Day One – July 30
Day Two – July 31
American Indian Justice Conference 2024
Host Hotel
American Indian Justice Conference 2023
American Indian Justice Conference 2022
Day One – June 28
Day Two – June 29
Day Three – June 30
OverviewAbout the NTJC
NTJC Staff
Tribal Criminal Proceedings Enhancement Program Donate to the NTJC Tribal Resources Tribal Job and RFP Announcements Tribal Courses & CertificatesAdditional Tribal Course Topics
Tribal Courses & Certificates
Training and Technical Assistance NTJC in the NewsHon. Ramona Tsosie winner of V. Robert Payant Award for Faculty Award
Chief Judge Abby Abinanti: Judicial Heroes & Legends
About the NTJC
The curricula presented are innovative, sophisticated and designed to enhance the professional skills of tribal court judges and tribal court personnel . The NTJC’s main objective is to improve justice through national programs of education and training directed toward judicial proficiency, competency, skills and understanding. The NTJC began in 2002 and is funded by a grant from the Bureau of Justice Assistance. While many courses pertain only to tribal court judges and personnel, the NTJC encourages participants to consider other courses offered by The National Judicial College that will enhance professional skills. The NTJC is guided by a ten member Advisory Board of tribal court judges, Indian law professors and tribal law experts.