Wm. T. (Bill) Robinson III Scholarship Endowment

Please honor Bill Robinson for his lifelong commitment to the rule of law and the judiciary by contributing to a legacy endowment that will provide scholarships for ABA Judicial Division members to attend courses at The National Judicial College.

Bill Robinson

Bill has been a volunteer leader in the legal profession and in his community for more than 40 years. Among his astonishing array of leadership positions, he served as president of the American Bar Association from 2011-12 and as chair of the NJC’s Board of Directors from 2016-17. As ABA president, he worked tirelessly to restore state budgets for judicial education decimated following the economic collapse of 2008.

All donors to the Robinson Scholarship Endowment will be named in a media release sent to news, legal, and judicial organizations nationwide. Donors also will be recognized on the NJC website and in the 2017 list of donors in our Annual Report to Stakeholders.

Donor levels: $5,000 + Pillar | $2,500 + Diamond | $1,000 + Platinum

Please contact Jeanne Hill at (775) 327-8257 or hill@judges.org.to by Monday, June 5, to pledge your gift. You can make your tax deductible gift online (mark “Robinson Scholarship Endowment”), or send your check, payable to the NJC and noted for “Robinson Scholarship Endowment,” to:

The National Judicial College
Judicial College Building
1664 N. Virginia Street / MS 358
Reno, Nevada 89557

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