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Dealing with Sovereign Citizens (and maybe a few other difficult litigants)
OnlineFaculty: Judge Kevin Fitzwater
Judicial Situational Awareness and Personal Security
OnlineFaculty: Chief Thomas Pellicane, U.S. Marshals Service, Â National Center for Judicial Security
Incentives & Sanctions, and Court-Ordered Treatment: Applying Treatment Court Principles in Your Non-Treatment-Court Docket
OnlineFaculty:Judge Robert S. AnchondoEl Paso, TexasJudge Kevin Fitzwater (Ret.)Bernalillo County, New Mexico
The Who, What, Why of Self-Represented Litigants
OnlineFaculty: Honorable Mark Juhas, Superior Court of Los Angeles
Ethical Considerations for Judges Who Preside In Criminal Cases
OnlineThis is part of our FREE webinar series covering different aspects of Handling Capital Cases. The Webinar series is generously funded by a grant from the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA).