Drugged Driving Essentials

Reno, NV

Who should attend?Any judges who hear traffic cases, or anticipate they will preside over a traffic docket in the future. Traffic issues affect all cases universally, thus it is always beneficial for a judge to be well-versed in the most pressing topics which are occurring today, and know how to manage the issues in an […]

Civil Mediation: An Online 40-Hour Workshop


Why should I take this course?The techniques developed in this course will positively impact the judge’s communication and dispute resolution skills on and off the bench. This is a thorough and interactive, hands-on course that combines theory with practice. Participants act as mediators in simulated sessions and receive feedback on their performance. For those transitioning […]

Drugs in America Today: What Every Judge Needs to Know

Reno, NV

Who should attend? This course has been specifically designed to be appropriate for any judge on the bench, as substance use can appear in any type of case. Who are the members of the faculty? Hon. Alan Blankenship Judge Alan Blankenship is an Associate Circuit Judge in Stone County, Missouri, serving in that position since […]

Dividing the Waters Annual Conference

Salt Lake City, UT

Distinguished Faculty:  The faculty will consist of scientists, water administrators, water lawyers and judges with wide-ranging experience in water litigation and management in the Western United States Participants will be responsible for their own travel and lodging.

Administrative Law: Advanced (JS 649)


Why should I take this course? This advanced level, four-day course includes in-depth discussions on the nature of the judicial process, due process, judicial ethics, and understanding cultural diversity. Advanced techniques in decision making, judicial writing, judicial review, access to justice and telephonic hearings are also addressed. Who should attend? This session is designed for […]

Ethics and Judging: Reaching Higher Ground (JS 601): Web-Based


Why should I take this course? This faculty-led online course will use guided analysis with experienced faculty to teach you to identify and distinguish between proper and improper court-related behavior, communication between lawyers and litigants, and interactions with pro se/unrepresented litigants. This course will also explore how inherent bias may impact court proceedings, and how to […]