Dealing with Sovereign Citizens (and maybe a few other difficult litigants)
OnlineFaculty: Judge Kevin Fitzwater
Faculty: Judge Kevin Fitzwater
Faculty: Chief Thomas Pellicane, U.S. Marshals Service, Â National Center for Judicial Security
Faculty:Judge Robert S. AnchondoEl Paso, TexasJudge Kevin Fitzwater (Ret.)Bernalillo County, New Mexico
Faculty: Honorable Mark Juhas, Superior Court of Los Angeles
This program is the result of a collaboration between the National Judicial College and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. The goal of this self-study course is to assist judges […]
Notorious cases with high media interest can be assigned to you in any court. What should you do when a reporter calls or shows up on your doorstep with a […]
After completing this self-study course, which takes the average learner between 20 and 30 minutes, you will be able to: Give an example of a judicial advisory or ethics opinion […]