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Court Management for Tribal Judges and Personnel

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Course Location

Las Vegas, NV

Who should attend?

Judges and Court Administrators or Court Clerks who are responsible for court operations and management may attend.

Who are the members of the faculty?

Members of the faculty include Judges and Court Administrators from around Indian Country. Additional Faculty includes instructors who are fluent in technology, case management, action planning and writing.

How is this course taught?

The course uses a “show, tell, do” format for skills development. Active class participation is encouraged.

What should I tell my presiding judge or funding agency so that my attendance will be approved?

An effective court system incorporates able budgeting practices, prompt and accurate case administration as well as competently trained personnel which in turn provides your community with a respected and trustworthy tribal justice system.

Whom should I contact for more information?

For more information, please contact the Registrar’s Office at (800) 255-8343 or registrar@judges.org.