The Traffic Case: A Course for Nonlawyer Judges
Conference Fee
Days & Times
Up to $1,500 available for travel reimbursement. Please contact the registrar’s office for eligibility.
Course Location
The National Judicial College
Reno, NV
Course Fees
Conference Fee
Criminal matters such as impaired driving can have issues concerning due process, the 6th Amendment, and the right to a fair trial. This course is specially designed to give nonlawyer judges a solid foundation in evidence admissibility, the flow of a trial from beginning to end, case management, sentencing and more.
Conference Fee $199
Scholarship assistance makes NJC courses more affordable for judges.
During this course, you will learn to:
- Recognize the important roles judges play in efficiently, ethically, and effective handling impaired driving cases.
- Identify, analyze, and rule on constitutional issues that arise during the trial of impaired driving cases.
- Cite the current practices and the role of forensic toxicology in impaired driving cases.
- Examine the basics of Rules of Evidence.
Why should I take this course?
Judges are facing more and more complex traffic issues as the law and technology progress. This course is designed to provide an overview of current traffic laws and technological trends and their application to the judiciary.
Who should attend?
This course has been specifically designed for traffic court judges, magistrates and hearing officers who handle motor-vehicle-related cases.
Who are the members of the faculty?
Judges and others who are recognized as experts in the field of traffic-related issues.
How is this course taught?
Through a number of adult education techniques including lecture, question and answer, and class problems.
Whom should I contact for more information?
For more information, please contact the Registrar’s Office at (800) 255-8343 or registrar@judges.org.
What should I tell my presiding judge or funding agency so that my attendance will be approved?
Judges must have a good understanding of current traffic laws and technological trends and their application to the judiciary to stay abreast of a rapidly changing field of law. Such issues will increase the effectiveness of judges’ rulings in this area and result in increased efficiency.

Criminal matters such as impaired driving can have issues concerning due process, the 6th Amendment, and the right to a fair trial. This course is specially designed to give nonlawyer judges a solid foundation in evidence admissibility, the flow of a trial from beginning to end, case management, sentencing and more.