Court Administration Academy for Presiding and All Judges
Conference Fee
Days & Times
June 17 – June 19, 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
June 20, 8 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Course Location
San Juan, Puerto Rico
Course Fees
Conference Fee
Recognizing the crucial role of efficient court administration in a court's success, the National Judicial College offers the Court Administration Academy for Presiding Judges and Judges at all Levels. Hosted at the Judicial Branch of Puerto Rico in San Juan, Puerto Rico, this course will benefit all judges—including those from metropolitan, rural, tribal, and administrative courts—and we encourage them to bring their court clerks and administrators to this exceptional educational opportunity. The Academy offers a thorough, skills-focused approach to court administration, customized to the varied needs of judges and court personnel at all levels. By attending this academy, participants will understand and be able to better execute the administrative roles and responsibilities inherent in their work. With practical tools in hand, they will be well-prepared to tackle both daily and long-term administrative challenges that shape their roles.
Course $1979
Conference Fee $549
Scholarship assistance makes NJC courses more affordable for judges.
During this course, you will learn to:
- Access to Justice
- Administrative Recordkeeping & Reporting
- Caseflow Management
- Crisis Management
- Data Collection and Reporting
- Ethics
- Effective Teamwork
- Judicial Wellness & Resilience
- Public and Media Access
- Records Management
- Security
- Technology
- Working with Governing Bodies
Registration fees include breakfasts, snacks, and lunches. It also includes the course excursion.
Tuition does not include travel or lodging.
***The deadline to register is May 1, 2025, as space is limited to allow for practical skills development in smaller groups.
This course may be eligible for (CJE/CLE) credits under most state or territory boards/bars/commissions.
This course qualifies for The National Judicial College Certificate in Judicial Development program Administrative Law Adjudication Skills, Dispute Resolution Skills, General Jurisdiction Trial Skills, Special Court Trial Skills, and Tribal Judicial Skills disciplines.

Recognizing the crucial role of efficient court administration in a court's success, the National Judicial College offers the Court Administration Academy for Presiding Judges and Judges at all Levels. Hosted at the Judicial Branch of Puerto Rico in San Juan, Puerto Rico, this course will benefit all judges—including those from metropolitan, rural, tribal, and administrative courts—and we encourage them to bring their court clerks and administrators to this exceptional educational opportunity. The Academy offers a thorough, skills-focused approach to court administration, customized to the varied needs of judges and court personnel at all levels. By attending this academy, participants will understand and be able to better execute the administrative roles and responsibilities inherent in their work. With practical tools in hand, they will be well-prepared to tackle both daily and long-term administrative challenges that shape their roles.