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Administrative Law: Advanced (JS 649) – ONLINE

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Why should I take this course?

This advanced level, four-day course includes in-depth discussions on the nature of the judicial process, due process, judicial ethics, and understanding cultural diversity. Advanced techniques in decision making, judicial writing, judicial review, access to justice and telephonic hearings are also addressed.

Who should attend?

This session is designed for administrative law judges and other agency adjudicators from federal, state, regional and local agencies who have more than three years’ experience. Those who have completed the basic two-week Administrative Law: Fair Hearing course will benefit most from the course.

Who are the members of the faculty?

The faculty for this course include administrative law judges, a supreme court justice, and a law professor, all of whom are intimately familiar with administrative proceedings.

How is this course taught?

This course will be taught through faculty presentations, student participation activities, and small group discussions are the primary instructional methods.

What should I tell my presiding judge or funding agency so that my attendance will be approved?

Judging is a lifelong process. Formal training with recent developments in an advanced setting will serve to encourage judicial efficiency resulting in both fair and judicial effectiveness in handling your caseload.

Whom should I contact for more information?

For more information, please contact the Registrar’s Office at (800) 255-8343 or registrar@judges.org.


June 5, 2023
June 8, 2023

