Elder Abuse and Undue Influence – What Judges Need to Know

This webinar series is for judges only, and presented at no cost. The $199 tuition will be fully funded by an NJC scholarship.


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Days & Times

8 a.m. Hawaii / 9 a.m. Alaska / 10 a.m. Pacific / 11 a.m. Mountain / 12 p.m. Central / 1 p.m. Eastern
Duration: 75 minutes

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Course Fees

This webinar series is for judges only, and presented at no cost. The $199 tuition will be fully funded by an NJC scholarship.



August 5, 2022

Elder Abuse and Undue Influence: When Bad Things Happen, Courts Are the Solution

By 2034, there will be 77 million folks age 65 and older in the U.S. Concomitantly with the increasing number of elders in the U.S., more and more instances of undue influence and elder abuse are being identified and litigated. With these increasing numbers, judges need to understand these two causes of action. This webinar will examine the basics of elder abuse and undue influence, how they may be intertwined, review the people and catalysts for these cases, discuss the ways these matters may be redressed, and what judges should expect when these cases appear on their dockets.

This session will:
• Review elder abuse & undue influence generally
• Discuss definitions and statutes.
• Discuss financial exploitation restraining orders.
• Review some red flags that might signal the occurrence of elder abuse or undue influence.
• Explain the causes of action to address undue influence and elder abuse and
• Identify the types of evidence to support the causes of action and the likely defenses.


This webinar series is for judges only, and presented at no cost. The $199 tuition will be fully funded by an NJC scholarship. $0

What will I learn?

During this course, you will learn to:

  • Recognize the definitions for the types of elder abuse and undue influence
  • Apply financial exploitation restraining orders to a hypothetical case
  • Explain the correlation between elder abuse and undue influence and
  • Review the applicable causes of action and available remedies.

Faculty: Professor Rebecca Morgan

Register Now.

By 2034, there will be 77 million folks age 65 and older in the U.S. Concomitantly with the increasing number of elders in the U.S., more and more instances of undue influence and elder abuse are being identified and litigated. With these increasing numbers, judges need to understand these two causes of action. This webinar will examine the basics of elder abuse and undue influence, how they may be intertwined, review the people and catalysts for these cases, discuss the ways these matters may be redressed, and what judges should expect when these cases appear on their dockets.

This session will:
• Review elder abuse & undue influence generally
• Discuss definitions and statutes.
• Discuss financial exploitation restraining orders.
• Review some red flags that might signal the occurrence of elder abuse or undue influence.
• Explain the causes of action to address undue influence and elder abuse and
• Identify the types of evidence to support the causes of action and the likely defenses.

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